Introducing me


 Good morning. My name is Haley Tower. I am 16 years old and this is my second semester in ace media studies. over the first semester I have learned a lot about media and production and what it takes to film a movie and what is in it. My birthday was a month ago and I turned 16 and I’m getting my license in about a month. I am very excited for this next chapter of my life. I enjoy this class a lot because you really get to know the in depth of making a movie and watch behind it. Before I took the class I didn’t realize how difficult it is to be part of this and making movies. Along with my other classes media and chemistry happen to be my favorite ones. I also now started my job which keeps me busy. I feel very on track with my life and excited for what next year has to offer me. I have made new friends and learned a lot about myself on the course of this year. I am sad to know this is my final project but hopefully I’ll get to be in a level next year and learn even more. I am hoping to understand with this project more about moviemaking. I’ve also learned about myself this is something I truly enjoy. I realize this class may be a lot of work but it is fun and enjoyable. this is something I would recommend to upcoming sophomores. I cannot wait to see what is in store for me and what else I will be learning when doing this project. I know it will be informative and fun.


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