Adding effects!

     To start off with editing I re-watched all my clips. Since I had a lot of re filmed scenes. I deleted the bloopers and the clips and the ones I didn't need. After this I used iMovie again. I used this last time and I really enjoyed using it. I put some scenes in first and cut out of whatever I didn't need. I then had to line up the music with the shots. This took some time to do because some of the scenes were longer than the music part was. The music video also has to be 1:15 seconds. So knowing this I put all the clips I wanted and saw how long it was all together. All together it was 1 minute and 35 seconds. So I had to cut out some things to make it shorter. I did this until the time was right and wasn't over or under. I also wanted to add different effects and slow motions shots. So I went to the scenes and added that over whatever scenes it would look good. When doing this I realized I wanted to move some shots around. So some new scenes don't match with the story board. I liked how it fit in better and thought it went well. I did get a lot done but there is still things I need to do. And try new things and see how I like it.


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