storyboard blog


boy and girl walk down street during day, with a side shot talking.
after with a wide shot boy and girl and friends are all at beach.

while the girl is in the room a close up to her phone is shown when she gets text from the boy.
with a side shot we see the boy out side the window waiting with flowers

the girl runs to guy and jumps on him

boy and girl stand with each other with a wide 360 shot which jumps cuts to the next clip

with the jump the dad of the girl comes out and tells the boy he needs to leave her alone

with a close up the girl is laying In bed crying over the boy being gone

with a fade out the memories of the boy and girl re play In her head

girl gets in car and tries to find guy after seeing his location

girl sees guys as the lighting dims downs and callas out to him

with the final close up they ru to each other and kiss.



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