Group blog


     For the music video project, I chose to work on my own. I personally feel more comfortable and confident working by myself. For the last project I did, I was by myself and thought I did a decently well job. I am able to manage my time better, and no the work I’m doing is good quality. I am very strict on myself about my work and I know I will get it done the right way. Working with different people can get stressful for me because if someone doesn’t turn in something or do Their part everyone gets penalized. By working with myself I am able to ensure a good grade and maintaining a good grade for the class. I also realize that working by myself my creativity is challenged. I’m able to come up with all these ideas by myself, and challenge myself to do better. However I still make sure to do peer editing and peer review mean to get other peoples point of views. during the last project my focus was 100% on doing my work. When working a group I notice myself to drift off or get distracted more easily. When I work by myself I stay on task and focused and get my work done that needs to be completed. Another benefit that helped a lot in the last project was I could work at school and at home. This allowed more time and more editing for myself and the project. i’m also more of an introvert. Been in a lot of groups of people give me anxiety, and just isn’t enjoyable for me. I like working on myself and being by myself most of the time. How are you the option to do this alone creates so much less stress and makes me want to do better. I feel as I achieve better by myself and do my best work like this. I learned a lot from the last project and I think I will be so much better this time. Although the last one was a commercial and this is a music video some of the editing and techniques I feel will be the same.


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